An Animated tale in the style of Raymond Briggs' "The Snowman" and "Father Christmas", This tale is about a girl named tilly who visits the zoo and accidentally drops her teddy bear into the polar bear exhibit. Crying herself to sleep she wakes to find the polar bear in her room with he teddy bear. Tilly cares for the polar bear and hides it from her parents, which is no small feet. But he call of the wild bear constallation takes her on an adventure accross the night sky.
视频更新时间:2022-07-20 12:45
影片演员:Peter Knapp Philip Sheffield Charlotte Church Judi Dench
剧情介绍:Hilary Audus 导演执导的《大熊》,该影片在1998美国发行,上映至今获得了较好的口碑, 正片,由Peter Knapp Philip Sheffield Charlotte Church Judi Dench 等主演的一部不错的英语的动画片。
An Animated tale in the style of Raymond Briggs' "The Snowman" and "Father Christmas", This tale is about a girl named tilly who visits the zoo and accidentally drops her teddy bear into the polar bear exhibit. Crying herself to sleep she wakes to find the polar bear in her room with he teddy bear. Tilly cares for the polar bear and hides it from her parents, which is no small feet. But he call of the wild bear constallation takes her on an adventure accross the night sky.
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