Kirstie revolves around Madison "Maddie" Banks (Alley), a renowned Broadway star who finds her life turned upside down when Arlo (Eric Petersen), the son she gave up at birth, suddenly appears hoping to connect after his adoptive parents have died. However, Maddie doesn't exactly see nerdy and schlubby Arlo fitting in with her luxurious lifestyle. But when Maddie's assistant and best friend, Thelma (Rhea Perlman), and outlandish driver Frank (Michael Richards) encourage her to give Arlo a chance, Maddie is shocked to find that perhaps she has motherly instincts after all.
视频更新时间:2022-07-19 13:50
剧情介绍:安迪·卡帝夫 导演执导的《柯尔斯蒂》,该影片在2013美国发行,上映至今获得了较好的口碑, 全12集,由柯尔斯蒂·艾利 Eric Petersen 等主演的一部不错的英语的美剧天堂。
Kirstie revolves around Madison "Maddie" Banks (Alley), a renowned Broadway star who finds her life turned upside down when Arlo (Eric Petersen), the son she gave up at birth, suddenly appears hoping to connect after his adoptive parents have died. However, Maddie doesn't exactly see nerdy and schlubby Arlo fitting in with her luxurious lifestyle. But when Maddie's assistant and best friend, Thelma (Rhea Perlman), and outlandish driver Frank (Michael Richards) encourage her to give Arlo a chance, Maddie is shocked to find that perhaps she has motherly instincts after all.
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